

21 Nov 19

We want to thank you for being with us in one of the most important events for all the companies around the world, architects, local governments, sports clubs and associations.


Once again, Euro Seating international in FSB Köln, one of the biggest sports fairs in the world.


Euro Seating International en FSB

Attracting many expert people from sports areas, FSB is considered an essential event for all companies regarding sports sector, registering an increasement in visits; executive architecture managers, local towns, planification and sports clubs.

Exceeding the initial expectations, with 565 exhibitors from 43 different countries with visitors form more than 128 countries.

That event is celebrated every two years and it gather best sport area companies worldwide.

As you know, at Euro Seating, we are different because we have everything for accomplish the hole project, from the beginning to the end, from the prototype to the installation of the final seat.


We manufacture seats for different areas; cinema, stadium, auditorium, theatre, luxury areas and Eco-Seat concept. Also movable solutions and polypropylene injection in an ample range of colours.


Thank you so much for visiting us to our stand and entrusting us all your projects.


See you at next edition in 2021!